Just a child of God following the lit path of the journey laid before me. The upcoming part of my journey will be in Cape Town, South Africa. For 10 weeks, I will volunteer with Living Hope, an HIV/AIDS organization, as a Life Skills Educator in the Capricorn township.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Quick Re-Cap

1. Thursday evening was the outreach for Mountain View, and in the moments as the people came rushing in, I realized how blessed I am that I am lucky enough to call these people “friend.” It’s funny because often when we head out to do service we think of how we are going to help those in the greatest need. But really, it’s those you help whom enrich your life far greater than you ever enriched theirs. As the children ran around me, hugged me, laughed with me, and danced and singed in the aisles with me, I realized how blessed I am to be a part of their lives. The people of Mountain View and Ocean View are a part of me, and they will always be.

2. Friday evening was spent in Sutherland, South Africa. Sutherland is in the Northern Cape, and its claim to fame is that it contains the largest observatory and second largest telescope in the Southern Hemisphere. I’ve always been enamored by the stars because when I star gaze I am reminded of what a great, big God we serve. Friday evening was no different. As I looked at galaxies, colored stars, Saturn, and many more things through telescopes, and as I stopped on the side of the road to just gaze in awe at the beauty of the night sky, I was comforted. I am comforted because in those moments, I was reminded that I am far more precious than a star to God. I am comforted because I am reminded that the universe is much bigger than my tiny world. I am comforted because I see the beauty of God and in looking at the stars am reminded that in all things God works for the good. I am comforted because I know while leaving this place I love as I go home facing lots of uncertainty and lots of new adventures, I am far more precious and loved by God than any star in the sky, sand in the sea or words could say.

3. Saturday evening was spent with close friends here. It was a time of baking, crying, laughing, and enjoying company. In those moments I was thankful for my time here. Thankful I’ve grown close enough to some that I know I can cry and share my true emotions about leaving. In those moments, I also was thankful that community and hospitality are two of the greatest ways God shows us great love.

I know this post was a short one, and I promise I will blog more soon. I have been crazy busy with my finals days here, and I am trying to soak up each moment I can here. Know that I will blog longer soon. I also can’t wait to celebrate and share my South African journey in person with many of you very soon. J

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